Thursday, December 1, 2011

What do you think the purpose of life is?

One of the toughest questions of today. Everyone has a different answer. Except maybe Christians. It is believed and supported by the Bible that our whole purpose in life is to worship God. And while that is partially true, there are other "commands" that we are to follow.
In fact, the very first job ever given to man was in Genesis 2:15. Man was placed in the Garden of Eden to work it and to take care of it. The very next thing that man does is to name all the animals.
Now, throughout all of this man is walking and talking with God.
What can I take from this?
That we are meant to walk in the footsteps of God, to talk with Him everyday, and that we are to take care of all that He has given us.
To me, that is our purpose in Life.
Many will answer this question with: To glorify God. But then the question has come up: Why does God need glorifyng?
Actually, the glroification of God is not necessarily FOR God as it is to show others the glory of God. If, we as His children, speak, act, and portray God in all His Glory, it will help others come to know Him on a deeper level. That is what is meant by glorifying God.
And while that is a purpose of Life, just saying that can sometimes confuse or mislead others. It is HOW we glorify God that can lead others to Him.
Many think that glorifying God is all about praying and/or fasting and reading your Bible and going to church, but it's not just that. It is being an example of how God wants us to act and how He wants us to live, that when we live life in ......a Christ-like manner that we truly glorifying to God. For example,if you have children, you raise them with certain ideals and in a certain mind set hoping that they will one day be good people. Should they rebel or turn from your teachings and actually do things that cause you pain, many people will think they were raised that way. This makes you look bad, though you did not teach them those things.So with God. We are given a instruction manual on how to live our lives in such a way as to be a good example of the teachings of God. To turn from those is to basically slap God in the face. To follow those teachings is to "gloify" to give credit to the one who taught us those things. To glorify God.
Now the question comes up, what does it mean to speak, act, and portray God? And what does it mean to have a deeper level of relationship with God?
When we, and I mean those who try to follow the Word of God, do our best to follow the commandments of God, we are using His instructions for our daily life. This is no different than using the instructions our parents gave us as we were gr...owing up. When you do something that follows the life lessons you learn from your parents, many times someone will tell you that your mother or father would be proud of you, or that they raised you right. This is what it means to speak, act, and portray the teachings given to you. If you are doing this while following Gods laws than you are acting, speaking, and portraying a positive light on Gods teachings.
As for a deeper level, it's sad to say but a lot of people believe in God, and that's it. There is no committment outside of that belief. There is no effort to actually follow His teachings, or His commandments, of even to letting Him have any other part of your life. When you love someone like your father you naturally want them to be a part of your life. You want them to be proud of you. We want the person who taught us about life and how to live it be proud of our accomplishments and to be a part of our lives. So when we follow God's teachings and his instructions on how to life l...ife, we should want God to be a part of our lives as well. So in a sense we want a deeper level of a relationship with Him outside of just believing in Him. To only believe in Him and not want to follow His instructions is like believing you have a dad, but not wanting to listen to Him or even live with him. It's sad. True there are families out there that are like that. But that doesn't make it any less saddening.

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