Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family Newsletter - 2004


Well, another year another letter,
But this one should be better.
I’ll be quick and not so boring,
Besides, I’m tired of your snoring.

So here we go,
Let’s start the show.

For those of you who don’t know,
The beginning of 2004 was slow.
I got hurt at work and onto Worker’s Comp,
This means no play, no work, no run, and no romp.

Thus passed January.

The next month life got better,
I was healed and the weather got wetter.
I got a job at Cal. Baptist. U.,
They said, “We need you, we do!”
I said, “Why, I can start today!”
So a Public Safety Officer I became, and CBU said, “Hooray!”

And February was rained out.

A tragic day, O woe is me!
Another birthday you see!
One year older, 29 bold,
But next year I’ll be OLD!
Not much else to tell,
Oh well.

So much for March.

Hi ho, hi ho off to Montana we go!
A vacation that covered our car in snow.
Then off to Colorado to visit Aunty Diana,
Lots of shopping and then we left, but we didn’t wanna.
I bought comic books and got an old Monopoly,
Keri got crafty things and Gone with the Wind collectibles made her quite jolly.

That took up most of April.

A sad month that started off great,
Birthdays cakes aplenty and everyone ate,
But Friends ended never to return,
And Smallville gave Martha Kent quite a burn.
If you don’t follow Smallville you are missing out,
Summer reruns make me pout.

So May ended with a, “What?! They can’t end it that way!”

John, Melissa, and Matthew came to stay,
Matthews' first trip to the beach was an exciting day.
With plenty of swimming and food,
We talked late into the night and Matthew slept good.
Seeing Keri’s godson and his parents went well,
I hope we can visit them soon but only time will tell.

Oh, how June made us miss our friends and the winter.

A No-Good-Reason-Shower and girls only were invited,
The girls played games, got facials at Kelly’s where they over-nighted.
The men stayed away, played games and started to brag,
About important things like movies, how much we can eat, and what roller coasters make us gag.

Keri’s godson and his family left for Texas in July.

Cousin Kevin performed,
Uncle Warren’s golf swing had great form,
We got a new fridge and dining room table,
Asked friends over for dinner and all said they were able.
Keri had a birthday and turned 25!
Gobs of games, fabulous friends, plenty of presents, fountains of food, it’s great to be alive!

August ended in a party!

The heat was too much at the San Diego Zoo.
Gilmore Girls & Joey premiered and Smallville did too.
Two nephews & a niece were added to the family,
And a picnic lunch on the Front Lawn at CBU for Keri shows how Josh can be gentlemanly.

September snoozed on.

Birthdays for family made us want to celebrate,
So we got Annual Passes at Disneyland and found a hotel that we now hate.
While it rained the Hot Tub was soothing,
At Color Me Mine, Tigger and Elvira painted for free while schmoozing.

Time passed quickly and so did October.

It still is November as I type these letters,
It rained and even snowed making the land a bit wetter.
Thanksgiving will be at David & Kelly Marley’s this year,
After which we decorate for Christmas and start the cheer.

November marches on.

With Christmas around the corner and vacation days forthcoming,
Cooking warms the house for friends and family arriving.
Shopping last minute cause some loss of reason,
But we as Christians know that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

Merry Christmas from Joshua & Keri Murcray!

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