Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family Newsletter - 2009

Yes I see that we jumped a few years. That's because I never wrote a newsletter for 2006, 2007, or 2008. Sorry

Welcome to the long-awaited return of the Murcray Christmas Letter!
Oh what a year it has been!
It was our slogan (and it turned out to be a slogan of my brother and his family as well) that “We Hate 2008, but things will be Fine in 2009.”
Oh, how we were mistaken. 2009 turned into a year of Highs and Lows.
So that is the title this year.
A Year of High’s & Lows
High - To begin all was well. Only Satan was stirring as God welcomed another child into his fold. Our friend, Yukai had announced to us around Christmas of 2008 that after many years of study and discussions (quite a few with Keri and I) he had decided that it was perfectly logical to become a Christian as any other choice would be foolish and unnatural. So we celebrated and he had his first pajama Christmas at Kelly & David Marley’s home with us and was just so happy to be able to celebrate his Saviors birthday.
Later Yukai was baptized and we were so proud to have been invited and to see our friend join our family.
Low - Unfortunately, Yukai lost his work visa (Yukai is Chinese) and was forced to move home to China. However, he goes back with a better understanding of how to witness to others out there so they might experience the same joy he has. God Bless, my friend.
High - For the first time ever, Keri and I became the proud owners of our very own house!!! A two-story, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, double car garage home! We are grateful for our wonderful Christian realtor, Robert May, who not only got us a GREAT deal on our first home, but also became a dear friend. The day we got the keys, we went to PetSmart and got ourselves some playmates for Cyrano de Bergerac (our all black cat that thinks he owns us). We took home not one, but TWO beautiful all white, blue-eyed female kittens - Talia, who looks like a little white tiger, and Marilyn Monroe, who is deaf but fearless.
Low - We live in an Association that forgot about us and after three months decided to get mad that we haven’t sent a payment in for Association dues. We calmly let them know that since they have never sent us our payment vouchers or notifications that we had no way of knowing the amount or where to send it. Needless to say should we EVER find ourselves in the market for another house we will avoid one in an association at ALL costs!
High - On August 28th, Keri turned a whopping 30 years old! We celebrated by opening our new house up for everyone to come see and bring oodles of gifts. The theme was Mamma Mia! It’s my Big Fat Greek 30th Birthday/Housewarming and the grand flourish of the day full of yummy Greek food was the beheading of the lamb shaped cake (done by Mandy Faulkner) made out of red velvet!
Low - I am still the oldest one in the group whenever we hang out with our friends. I’ve even been mistaken for Kelly Marley’s dad. Grumble grumble grumble.
High - Byron Myers, Keri’s Dad, had to go in for surgery for Diverticulitis. It was an intense surgery that required several weeks of recovery, but he made it out with a new scar to wow the girls and a much thinner waist line. The stud is still getting compliments!
Low - James Murcray, my Dad, went in for emergency surgery because his insides sprung a leak and was leaking stool into is abdominal cavity. Unfortunately, after 4 weeks in the ICU Dad developed pneumonia on top of everything else and on November 16th he died.
High - With all of this and with all the heartache and pain that we and our families have gone through this past year only one thing causes us to end this letter and this year on a high. And that is that no matter what we may think, God, our beloved Jesus the Christ, is master of all and in total control at all times! We have been so blessed with the love and support of our family and friends throughout all of these highs and lows that we can do nothing BUT thank God for his mercy and Grace that He showers on us all through the year. That is how we will end this letter. With praise on our lips and thanksgiving and love in our hearts.
May God richly bless you as you go into this new year and may you always know we, Keri and I, (and even the cats) will always be…

Your Friends,
Joshua & Keri Murcray

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