Sunday, December 25, 2011

Questions I've Answered 1-200

I keep getting questionnaires sent to me through Facebook and email and so one day I decided to copy them all down, delete the duplicates, and then start to answer them.
What you are about to read are the first 200 of them. I'm still working on the rest.
1.        Are you a brat? No
2.        Who were you named after? A mysterious man who would appear in our village every 100 years. The crops would be overabundant, our water wells would overflow, our illnesses would be healed. While he was there life became near to Paradise. We never knew his real name but he would tell our chief to just call him Joshua. I was the first baby to be born during Joshua’s last visit to our village. So I was blessed with being named for this man. It is still an honor.
3.        If you saw a catfight what would you do? Try to spray them both with water to get them to stop. Also it helps keep the feline dander from flying, ‘cause I’m allergic to animal dander.
4.        What kind of movie are you?  I’m a romantic comedy.
5.        What color pants are you wearing now? I’m wearing blue pajama bottoms.
6.        What are you listening to right now? The voices in my head telling me to go back to sleep.
7.        Favorite color? Blue
8.        The 1st thing you noticed about the opposite sex? Whether or not they are the opposite sex.
9.        Favorite Drink?  Sweet Tea
10.     Pets? I have three cats named Cyrano de Bergerac, Talia, and Marilyn Monroe.
11.     Favorite Sport? Billiards, Bowling, Golf, Flirting, and no I do NOT think that shopping is a sport!
12.     Favorite Day of the Week? Saturday, I don’t have to work and I get to spend the whole day with my wife.
13.     Are you too shy to ask someone out?  Nope, obviously not. I asked my wife out over the internet while I lived in Montana and she lived in California.
14.     Summer or winter?  Winter
15.     Hugs or Kisses? Both but kisses are REALLY nice! Hey honey, why don’t you get out from around your desk and get over here and give me a nice juicy lip-lock!
16.     Chocolate or Vanilla?   Strawberry
17.     Do you want your friends to write back? What a silly question! Not wanting them to write back is the same as saying, “I don’t want to talk to you or hear from you anymore!” Not very nice if you ask me.
18.     Living Arrangements?  Keri and I in a lovely 2-story, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath house and our hundreds of thousands of books.
19.     What books are you reading? I’m currently book starved and trying to find something to read.
20.     What's on your mouse pad? Not using one.
21.     Favorite Smells? Keri’s hair, steak, chocolate, rain, roses, and bacon.
22.     Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No, but my mother can.
23.     What did you do last night? My wife and I babysat our nephew, Jonathan.
24.     What inspires you?  Comic Books
25.     Popcorn: I really like popcorn but since Keri doesn’t, I rarely pop, after all it is best when shared during a movie, right?
26.     Favorite Flower: Iris
27.     Favorite Cookie: No-Bake Cookies
28.     Hair Color? Very short brown hair with lots of gray in it.
29.     Eye Color?  Blue
30.     Last person you talked to on the phone? My firend, Sylvia.
31.     How are you today?  A little tired, allergies are flaring up, and I'm really hoping I get a job this week, but looking forward to Guys Game Night Saturday.
32.     Siblings? One brother and two sort-of sisters.
33.     Last movie you watched? Batman (the 1960's version)
34.     Nicknames: Honeybuns, Superman, Merlyn, other names cannot be listed as some people on here are not mature enough to handle them.
35.     Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 36
36.     Piercing: Stare
37.     Hometown: Home is where the heart is. So either my home is wherever Keri is or in my chest. Depending on how romantic I’m feeling.
38.     Town you live in:  Moreno Valley, CA
39.     Favorite foods:  Artichokes, Prime Rib, Lobster, Crab, Shrimp, to name a few.
40.     Ever been to Africa? No and please don’t send me!
41.     Been toilet papering?  Yes, but there were very good reasons behind…oh, what do you care. Never mind.
42.     Love someone so much it made you cry?  Yes
43.     Been in a car accident?  Yes, but do we really need to count them?
44.     Croutons or bacon bits?  Croutons that taste like Bacon (am I right David?)
45.     Favorite restaurant?  Outback Steakhouse currently, but any restaurant that serves Prime Rib and Crab together gets my vote.
46.     Favorite sport to watch?  If I watch a sport it is probably football.
47.     Favorite ice cream flavor?  English Toffee or Butter Pecan or Dark Mint Chocolate.
48.     Disney or Warner Bros?  Disney and may they get in touch with me very soon so I can give them my ideas.
49.     Favorite fast food restaurant?  Taco Bender for tacos, George’s for hot pastrami sandwich and shake, McDonald’s for fries, Weinerschnitzel for corn dog bites, HOGG'S for hamburgers, KFC for honey-barbecue wings, Sonic for tater tots and mozzerella sticks, and the list goes on.
50.     What color is your bedroom carpet? Beige
51.     How many times did you fail your driving test? 0, I am a SUPER-Genius
52.     Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?  I don’t have a credit card but if I did it would be maxed out on
53.     What do you do most often when you are bored?  Read
54.     Most annoying thing people ask me?  Are you pregnant? My response: Rude much?
55.     Bedtime? At about 10:00pm on weekdays.   
56.     Favorite TV shows? Survivor, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Alphas. In the past they included: Smallville, Heroes, Lost, Stagate: SG:1, Stagate: Atlantis, and the list goes on!
57.     Last person you went out to dinner with?  My beautiful wife, Keri and her whole family to celebrate her dad's 59th birthday.
58.     Ford or Chevy?  Chevy
59.     Do you wish on stars? To quote a very smart man: “Stars are made of gas and are very hot, so standing on them wouldn’t be very smart…” I agree. I wish on turtles. They are much sturdier and don’t move fast enough for me to lose my balance.
60.     Which finger is your favorite? The one that is hidden away because it stores my life force in it. This way the only way for me to die is to destroy my finger. Don’t look for a missing finger on my hand. I was blessed with 6 fingers on one hand. Bwa ha ha ha ha!
61.     When did you last cry? When my wife elbowed me in the eye while performing a Round-house Crane Maneuver on one of the assassins sent to find my finger.
62.     Do you like your handwriting? It was better when I had all 6 fingers but now it looks like someone left-handed wrote it. Or a doctor.
63.     What is your favorite lunchmeat? Salami
64.     Any bad habits? Yes, but telling would only cause you to spurn me and right now I’m not in the mood for Spurning. Thanks though.
65.     What is your most embarrassing moment? I’m sorry what was the question again. Oh never mind. NEXT!
66.     What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? Bobby Brown Cd. One of his first. I think I’ll use it for a Trash Can filler.
67.     If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Oh definitely. I am a great person. Not subject to ego trips or anything negative.
68.     Are you a daredevil? Are you asking if I am blind and can only see through a weird sonar effect? Do I wear tight red leather and know all kinds of martial arts? Does secret identity mean NOTHING to you?!
69.     Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? Of course, you shouldn’t swear so I punish those who force me to by revealing their secrets. Bwa ha ha ha ha!
70.     Do looks matter? Duh! Looks have to matter somehow, because we will not approach a person in hopes of a relationship if we are not somewhat attracted to their looks. The Looks Attract Us, The Personality Keeps Us. That’s my motto on dating and relationships. Not copyrighted yet, but ask before using.  
71.     How do you release anger?  By letting go of it. It’s not wise to hold on to it. It could hurt you more as it builds.
72.     Where is your second home?  Up in the snow capped mountains of northern California where you must take the path…wait a minute! I’m not telling you how to get to my secret lair! Shame on you!
73.     Do you trust others easily?  Yes, always, that’s why I gave you the directions to my Keep in the mountains. Duh!
74.     What was your favorite toy as a child?  Transformer and Go-Bots
75.     What class in school do you think is totally useless?  The Biology class that begins with a lesson in Evolution. What a crock!
76.     Do you have a journal?  Yes, and no I will not let you read it! Mostly because it’s personal but also because I haven’t written in it much.
77.     Do you use sarcasm?  Now where did you get that absurd idea? I have been SO honest with you and held NOTHING back. Really, the nerve of some people. But to answer your question…
78.     Have you ever been in a Mosh Pit?  Nope and not likely going to.
79.     What do you look for in a guy/girl?  Guy? Well he has to be smart and be able to understand my one-liner comments and to laugh at my jokes. He also has to like Superman and comic books. Girl? She has to be my wife. Otherwise there can be nothing but friendship involved.
80.     Would you bungee jump?  Sideways only. Justice Ford knows what I’m talking about.
81.     Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?  Nope, that’s what slip-on shoes and shoes with Velcro are for.
82.     Do you think you are strong?  I already told you. I am Superman.
83.     Shoe size? 13 (wink wink)
84.     How many wisdom teeth do you have?  None. I had four, had four pulled, one grew back and I had that one pulled. Now I have none but it feels like one is growing back already. No, I am NOT joking.
85.     Who do you miss the most right now? My wife, Keri. Followed closely by my immediate family whom I haven't seen in quite a long time.
86.     Favorite alcoholic drink? I do not drink alcoholic beverages. You can ask my wife about this. But I do like the Virgin Pina Colada.
87.     Do you wear contacts or glasses?  No. I have told you over and over. I am Superman.
88.     Favorite month(s)?  December and March.
89.     Favorite day of the year?  Christmas Day and My Birthday
90.     Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Ending with lots of sci-fi and action involved.
91.     Favorite board game? Race For The Galaxy, Settlers of Catan, Dominion, and MONOPOLY!!!!!!!!!
92.     What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? Why am I awake again?
93.     If you knew you were going to live forever and couldn’t die, what is the first thing you would do? Invest money in specific stocks and then travel around the world righting the wrongs and stopping the bad guys..
94.     Have you ever sung into a hairbrush? Yes, a long time ago when my brother and I were little kids.
95.     What is your sweet revenge? When they find out that the dumb person they thought I was just made them look like an idiot.
96.     Are your best friends your partners in crime or butt of your jokes? Both.
97.     What is your holiday wish? I wish that people would concentrate more on spending time with their families than spending time working or just waiting until the holiday to see their family.
98.     When you were a kid, what happened at slumber parties? A lot of talking about school, girls, food, and bad jokes. Not too mention ghost stories and farting.
99.     Do you have a sixth sense? That depends. You see I believe that what people classify as a “Sixth Sense” is really the warnings and urgings given to us by God through our Guardian Angels.
100.  What is your spring break destination? Spring break is over and I did nothing but clean house and spend time with my wife.
101.  What makes the world go round; Money, Love, or You? Love, as in the Love of God.
102.  If you were another person, would you be friends with YOU? Absolutely, I am a real nice guy!
103.  If you knew you were going to die one week from now, what would you first do? Spend as much time as possible with my family and seeing as many wonders of nature that I could before I left.
104.  What’s your shopping style? I only really like to browse at book stores or at cutlery stores. Primarily I like to go in and get what I need and then leave. Looking around provides too much temptation to buy something I can’t afford.
105.  You’re at a party and someone is wearing the same outfit as you. What do you do? Go up and ask them how they were able to get their hands on a royal blue knight’s cloak and outfit including Excalibur sword, shield, and king’s signet ring.
106.  When you go on vacation what is the most important thing to pack? Toiletries, Survival Guide, Map, Car Keys, and a pack of Warheads Sour Candy.
107.  How do you soak up the culture of a new place? By walking the streets and maybe going in to a museum or book store.
108.  Be honest. At the school cafeteria, you used to sit with what kind of kids? The BAND. I was with the BAND, dude!
109.  Have you ever said a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? Sure lot’s of times.
110.  What do you do when you find a spider in your house? Depends on where it is. If it’s on the outside of the house then I let it go in peace. If it is inside then I have to kill it before my wife freaks out.
111.  Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Sure, but it’s the kind of gold that inspires imagination and faith. People don’t look because they want to get rich, they look because they want to believe in the magic of the rainbow and the story.
112.  If you won the Lotto, which store would be your first stop? That’s a tough choice. The first stop would be to the bank, then the car dealership and insurance place. But the first spending spree we would do would probably be at either Barnes & Noble or on Speaking of which, you should really check out my Wish List.
113.  What’s the best way to get out of a sticky situation? With some citrus goo-gone that really works on removing sticky glue or tape or stickers.
114.  Where do you get most of your fashion inspiration? From the voices in my head. They are really savvy on the new hip trends!
115.  Do fish have feelings? Yes, but if Jesus could eat fish than so can I.
116.  Best place to shop? Depends on what you are looking for, although I would have to say that Wal-Mart has such a WIDE selection (from nice things to pure junk) that I am going to have to say Wal-Mart is my answer.
117.  You want people to remember your party as a place to…? Truly relax and have a good time and a place to get to know others a lot better.
118.  How do you act when you are around someone you are interested in? Smart, silly, funny, but I leave the sexy part to those who are a lot more fit than I am.
119.  What would your friends say about you on your worst day? Considering it’s my WORST day than that means they are saying really rude things about me. That would make it my WORST day.
120.  Do you have a good wink? Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have a very good wink.
121.  Is your voice: Quiet & Breathy; Low & Raspy; Cute & Perky; Pretty average? Pretty average, except in the morning at which point I have a very deep and gravelly voice that basically sounds like it’s scraping along the bottom of a rocky well.
122.  What energy level is most like yours: Speedy Gonzales; Tom & Jerry; Shaggy & Scooby; Sleepy Smurf? I would categorize myself in the Shaggy & Scooby side of things. Why? Because those boys didn’t have much enthusiasm for anything but eating.
123.  What was the last thing you ate? A thai food dinner at the Thai House in Redlands, CA.
124.  If you gained a large amount of money, what is the first “toy” you would spend it on? A LIGHTSABER!!!!
125.  What are you most excited about during the Christmas season? Not only the presents and seeing the family, but it’s also the time of year I got married. But I think the most important part is that it’s the time of year that we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
126.  In what city would you most like to live? In the U.S. – San Simeon, California. Outside the Continental U.S. – Honolulu, Hawaii. Outside the U.S. all-together – Either Dublin, Ireland or Venice, Italy.
127.  Would you rather watch a movie in the theater or in your pajama’s? I would rather watch a movie in the theater while wearing my pajama’s.
128.  What is the one talent you would love to possess? Flight or Time-Travel.
129.  If you could gain one super-power but had to remain at your job until you retire, what power would you choose? Time-Travel. That way I can work until I retire and yet on my days off I can journey back in time and do whatever I want. Or when I retire I can journey back in time and re-live my entire life in a different way.
130.  Are you more romantic than most people you know? Absolutely, many girls want me to teach their boyfriends/husbands how to be more romantic and some parents want me to teach their sons how to treat women properly.
131.  What would you do if there were no consequences? I would pull an Ocean’s Eleven and rob the Vault of the three top casino’s of Las Vegas.
132.  Do you wake up before your alarm goes off? Everyday. Sometimes I will even be dreaming and in my dream I will see myself come into whatever room I’m in and tell myself that my alarm is about to go off, and then I would wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. Just as eerie are the times where I am dreaming of a song and when my radio alarm clock goes off the song I was dreaming of is on the radio and is at the exact point in the song where my dream left off.
133.  What is your holiday theme song? Holiday Road from the movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Or White Christmas by Bing Crosby.
134.  Who is your favorite cartoon character? Superman, Goofy, Dopey, Bugs Bunny, and the Transformers.
135.  If you could go back and re-live your life from 6th Grade with the knowledge you have now, would you? Absolutely!
136.  When traveling, how do you pick a destination? Eenie Meanie, Miney and Mo, I wonder where we shall spend our dough?
137.  Above all, what would you want your room to show people about you? That my wife has final say about the decorations in the bedroom.
138.  Where do you keep most of your clean clothes? Either in the closet or the dresser.
139.  What does you room smell like? We have a plug-in that releases the smell of Fresh Clean Linen.
140.  What is the ring tone on your cell phone like? I wanted the Superman Movie Theme Song but I can't find it for my phone, so right now all I have is the Popeye theme song.
141.  On a scale from 1 to 10, how photogenic are you? 8, but if I lose the weight than I might get between a 9 or 10.
142.  What is the worst movie you have ever seen? In no particular order: Napolean Dynamite, Punch Drunk Love, and Event Horizon.
143.  If you were traveling around the world, what two people would you want as your companions? My wife and a translator.
144.  If you owned an enormous yacht, what would you name it? Aquaman’s Trident.
145.  If you were guaranteed an honest answer to any question from any person in the world, who and what would you ask? I would ask the Pope, what are the true secrets of the Catholic Church that you don’t want to ever see the light of day or to reach the public?
146.  At what age would you label someone as old? 40, which means I’m approaching old.
147.  What is your favorite sport to watch on television? Football.
148.  What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen? Stephen King’s It, followed closely by: The Blair Witch Project, Fallen, and Event Horizon.
149.  How many times a week do you exercise? -99.9% of the time.
150.  If you could have been a star in any movie, which movie would you choose? In a Star Trek movie. Something that will continue to live on down through history.
151.  What artist of the twentieth century do you most admire? I’m going to agree with my wife on this one. She said Thomas Kincaid.
152.  What cartoon would you like to be a character in? The Justice League.
153.  If you were forced to choose your own death, how would you die? I would choose to die in the year 2975 in my bed. After saying goodbye to my family members and having broken a record for the longest living human ever, I would then fall asleep and never wake up again.
154.  If you could choose a name for yourself, other than your own, what would it be? Either Merlyn or Cameron.
155.  How many bones have you broken in your life? 5.
156.  On a scale from 1 to 10, how proficient are you in typing? 40-50 wpm so that means I'm an 8.
157.  If you were to write a book, what would it be about? Actually, I have already copyrighted one TV Series idea and will be sending that along as soon as I figure out where to send it. I’m also working on a Star Trek series. But in answer to your question, my friend Jeff Kimbro and I wrote a comedy book about how to tell when something is wrong at church.
158.  If you could bring someone famous back from the grave, who would you choose? Apostle Paul!
159.  On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your health? 3.
160.  If you found a $50 bill on the street and had to spend it immediately, what would you buy? A gift card.
161.  What is the hardest thing for you to do? Exercise.
162.  If you could choose your optimal weight, what would it be? 250.
163.  Who has the trashiest television talk-show? Jerry Springer.
164.  If you were to write a song about your true love, what would you title it? My Soul Lives.
165.  What animal or insect disgusts you the most? Animal – Snake, Insect – Cockroach.
166.  If you were any animal, what would you be? White Tiger.
167.  What animal do you enjoy seeing most at the zoo? Believe it or not but I enjoy the Polar Bears and Hippos more than watching the Tigers.
168.  What store is represented most in your wardrobe? Wal-Mart.
169.  Who has the worst name that you know? I’m sorry to whoever has this name, but I once saw that some guy had the name – Alfrederickson. Apparently, his parents couldn’t decide between Alfred, or Frederick, or Fredrickson so they named him all three. They probably should have saved time by just naming him Fred.
170.  Who is the worst musician or musical group? Marilyn Manson or Godsmack.
171.  What age were you when you had your most embarrassing hair style? I think it was 9th or 10th grade when I grew my hair kind of long and gave myself these Wolverine-styled wings on the side of my head.
172.  If the plane you were flying in was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you? I would like the President of the United States. This way I know that whether he lives or dies the military will do their best to retrieve his body so I will stick close to him. If he lives maybe I’ll get rewarded for helping keep him alive.
173.  Fill in the blank – I am so much smarter than _______________. Everyone thinks I am.
174.  What three food items would combine to make the most disgusting concoction ever? Liver, beets, and any “food” served on the show Survivor.
175.  What is your favorite time of the day? Evening time.
176.  What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of politicians? Corrupted and desperately in need of stepping down.
177.  What American presidents do you know the most and least about? I know more about Abraham Lincoln and I know least about all of the others.
178.  What is the longest period of time you have spent in a car? I once drove 22 hours straight, only stopping for gas, food, and bathroom breaks.
179.   How many times a week do you usually go out for dinner? We used to go out 3 times a week but now we go out once a week and we share a small meal. Money is tight.
180.  What is your favorite month? December.
181.  Where is your birthmark? I don’t have a birthmark, but I do have dimples on the back of each shoulder.
182.  If you were a professional wrestler, what would your ring name be? Universe Man. Wonder why? Listen to the song Particle Man by the group They Might Be Giants.
183.  Who makes the most stylish clothes in the world? Whoever makes zoot suits.
184.  What is your favorite kind of chocolate bar? Hersheys without nuts.
185.  What is the biggest inconvenience about the place you are currently living in? We can’t paint or change anything outside of the house without approval from the Homeowners Association.
186.  If you wanted to test the limits, how many slices of pizza could you consume? How many are in a large pizza? 12? 16? I think I would go for an entire large pizza.
187.  What natural disaster would you be most frightened of? On this one I will agree with my wife and say a Tidal Wave. The thought of drowning is horrifying to me.
188.  What is your favorite soft drink? A&W Cream Soda.
189.  What one person would you trust with your most personal possession? My wife. Outside of her I would say….
190.  If you were to give yourself a creative title for your personal business card, what would it say? Actually I use my title for the title of my resume on I call myself the Customer Service Guru.
191.  What is the biggest advantage of being small? Considering I’m not small at all, I wouldn’t know. My wife who is short says the advantage is getting taller people to do things for her.
192.  What person have you always wondered whether or not they had a crush on you? Angela Price, Laurie Fortnum, Amy Hull, I’ll finish the list later.
193.  If you could be a character in any novel, who would you be? I would either be a character in the Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey, or in the Belgariad/Mallorean series by David Eddings.
194.  What outdoor activity do you consider the most dangerous? Bungee jumping and skydiving.
195.  What is your favorite genre of movies? Comedy and sci-fi.
196.  How good is your long-term memory, on a scale from 1 to 10? 8 or 9.
197.  If you have been in the hot sun for 12 hours, what would quench your thirst most? I’m going to assume you mean just lying out in the Sun and not mean standing around inside the actual Sun. Actually Ice Water would really be refreshing.
198.  The last 2 digits of your mobile phone?  91
199.  How is the weather right now?  Hot but with a slight cool breeze.
200.  What do you consider the noblest field of medicine? Any and all. Those people truly amaze me with their knowledge and their ability to handle situations we commoners never wish to be in.

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