Monday, August 29, 2011

Random Made-Up Story Part 5

The following Random Made-up Story series is not finished, but something I wrote to occupy me while making deliveries at my old job. Feel free to comment and critique, just know that they aren't complete and may never be complete. But I do plan on continuing the series at some point.
Thanks and have fun!

Part Five
It is amazing how much can happen when you have the power to alter all of reality. Especially the ability to slow or stop time. With but a thought I literally could feel my awareness take a step away from reality and as time slowed I could think through all that I planned and come up with so many ways of doing things that I soon had to stop and just pick one.
Calmly, I looked over my friends and calculated their actions, should they be put through any of the scenarios I came up with. Then I read their bodies and emotions and found the best course for them.
Now I’m not saying that I know better than they what they should and shouldn’t do, but if I’m going to alter reality I have to come up with something that makes the least amount of alterations for the rest of the world. If watching TV and movies has taught me anything is that the most aggressive and complicated changes in a persons reality can come unraveled as their mind cannot adjust to so much so quickly.
So, baby steps. First alter the memories of their families and friends. Especially those that were at the hospital when we took off. With each step and alteration I could feel the power build as this web I was creating expanded.
Then I had to dive into the virtual world and make some alterations to bank accounts, stored data in government computer systems, passwords, etc. The web of power broke into the physical world in the form of motes of light coalescing into a growing ball of crackling energy.
After that I switched to hard copy stuff and began creating whole reams of paperwork that mentioned or even hinted at any of these new ID’s I was inventing. From paperwork, I went through and revamped all of their clothes so they would fit the new bodies. The energy began sending out tendrils of lightning harmlessly scanning my friends and flowing over them like it was alive.
Almost there. Just one more thing to do. I had already completed all I needed to do for Sally and Sylvia, but now Jeff was going to take a lot of power and effort. For him I was not only creating a career but an established one that actually affected most of the world.
The power built up until I couldn’t hold anymore. Barely holding onto Time while keeping all in check I released my hold at the same moment as I slammed my hands together! With a burst reminiscent of when the Death Star exploded a wave of multi-colored energy surged outward passing through the air and anything else in its path. As it swept at near-light speed around the globe my friends just gawked at me. Just as I released the light I had allowed them to see what I was doing.
For almost exactly one minute they stood there as their memories and experiences adjusted to their new lives. They would always remember their past lives, but no one else would.
Before any of them could say anything I snapped my fingers and sent them home…at least to their new homes. Lives had been changed and I felt drained. It was time to get some rest and then…and then I will begin to try and make sure that I won’t become a villain.
Without a glance back I turned and started walking. The world warped around me as I stepped from 2010 onto the unblemished tropical forest floor of 4001 B.C..

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