Monday, August 29, 2011

Random Made-up Story Part 3

The following Random Made-up Story series is not finished, but something I wrote to occupy me while making deliveries at my old job. Feel free to comment and critique, just know that they aren't complete and may never be complete. But I do plan on continuing the series at some point.
Thanks and have fun!

Part Three – Jeff’s Side of the Situation
Oh, this did not turn out right.
I looked around and wondered if maybe I should have rethought my actions.
I was sitting in a very uncomfortable chair, handcuffed. Yes, handcuffed. A police officer stood on either side of me as I the doctor questioned me. He stops to stare at me and I realize he asked me a question.
“Huh?” Not my brightest moment.
The doctor looks tired and upset. “I asked you if you know why you are still alive? You just suffered a tremendous amount of electricity coursing through your body and the only thing wrong with you is that you gained a massive amount of weight. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the others in the truck lost weight so I think that you might know what happened!”
I shook my head, “Uhm, nope.”
Taking off his glasses the doctor rubs his eyes. “Tell us again how you managed to be in the back of the truck where passengers are not allowed to ride.”
Oops, now they ask the one question that’s going to get me fired. “Uhm, yeah, see…ah man where do I begin?” Shaking my head I plunge in.
“Okay, see, I was supposed to be working back at the warehouse but I helped load the carts into the truck. Sylvia, the one I was helping, joked around and told me to climb into one of the carts. She thought it would be funny to try and scare Josh. Uhm he’s my friend and he was going to drive. Yeah, so I climbed in and after driving for a bit I was supposed to start pounding on the wall and screaming for help. Hehe.” I started smiling and laughing but one look told me no one else thought it was funny. Man, I’m so busted.
“Anyways, I guess they forgot about me or couldn’t hear me because I was banging on the wall for a minute and no one stopped. I tried to get out my phone but dropped it when the truck made a sudden turn. I fell back into the cart and was trying to reach the phone when the whole truck just flipped! The next thing I know I’m getting electricuted and I black out.”
Suddenly the doctors pager goes off and some code is called out over the loudspeaker and the doctor goes running with security right behind him. The officer who had been taking notes tells me to stay put and starts heading in the same direction as the doctor.
Rubbing my hands down my pant leg I start to really pray hard. I stop and look down to find that even though I was sitting straight up with my legs sticking straight out in front of me, my hands were playing with my shoe laces. Quickly, I pull them back and sit with my arms crossed for a bit. Looking around I try to see if anyone else caught that. Nope, doesn’t look like it. Should I try it again?
Trying to act casual about it I stretch my legs and arms only to watch my arms and legs match in length and then continue to grow!
Pulling back I start to think about what is happening to me. First I gain almost 300 pounds in a few hours and now I can stretch my body!
Before I can continue this train of thought I hear a commotion down the hall and security is rushing down the hall. The officers next to me unlatch their guns and rest their hands on the pommels.
Man, I am so busted!
As I look around I realize that everyone has stopped moving. Everyone is just staring into space! What is goin’ on!? Then it’s like someone pressed play and everyone is moving around again.
I see the security and nurses calmly heading back down the hall and then a bright light explodes from a room down the way and comes straight for me! I raise my hands in defense, but it’s too late!

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