Friday, August 19, 2011

My Birthday Quiz

1. On March 1, 1975 Joshua was born at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Fontana, CA. His Mother was keeping score for a baseball game his Dad was playing in. In order to end the game so he could go see his son being born, Josh’s Dad hit two home runs then sped to the hospital.
What time was Joshua born?
a. Between 8 and 9 pm.
b. Between 9 and 10 pm.
c. Between 10 and 11 pm.
d. Between 11 and Midnight.

2. At the age of eleven (11) Joshua acquired the Chicken Pox and was quarantined at home and not allowed to even participate in his brothers’ birthday party. Later in life Joshua also got pneumonia pretty bad. In fact Joshua has gotten sick a lot more than people think, probably because it never lasts long.
What is the normal length of time Joshua stays sick no matter what he contracts?
a. three(3) days
b. five (5) days
c. one (1) week
d. two (2) weeks

3. When Joshua was thirteen (13) he was struck with a weird growth spurt. Because of this spurt he was in and out of the hospital several times for splints, casts, and other injuries.
What was the growth spurt that caused so much medical drama?
a. Height went from 5’5” to 6’1”
b. Waist went from 30” to 40”
c. Hair length increased until they blocked sight
d. Shoe size increased from size 9 to size 13

4. In Joshua’s Roaring 20’s he journeyed off to live in another state, Montana. After only a year he moved back to California. Because his Dad was a Pastor Joshua was used to moving around.
How many times in his 35 years of life has Joshua moved?
a. 44
b. 33
c. 22
d. 11

5. In grade school at Twin Creeks Elementary Joshua started playing the trumpet and even learned the drum set. Later at Mayfair High School Joshua took on the Tuba, the Baritone, and the French Horn. At Mendocino Community College Joshua even studied the piano and was the only person in class to be able to play equally well with either hand.
At this point in time, how many instruments can Joshua still play?
a. All of them
b. Baritone and Tuba
c. Classical Piano
d. None

6. Joshua loves to read and has been reading full novels since 5th Grade. Back in his Wal-Mart days Joshua would read 100 pages during his hour lunch. Lately work and taking care of the house has limited his reading time.
How fast would it take Joshua to read a book between 400 and 600 pages?
a. three (3) Days
b. five (5) Days
c. one (1) Week
d. nine (9) Days

7. Despite being somewhat large for his age and height Joshua still surprises people with his physical abilities. In fact he has one talent that he is quite proud of that very few people know about.
What physical talent can Joshua perform?
a. a flip
b. a handstand
c. a one armed push-up
d. a cartwheel

8. Joshua and his lovely wife, Keri have three (3) cats. Cyranno de Bergerac, Marilyn Monroe, and Talia.
What is the one ironic twist to the above statement?
a. Joshua prefers dogs
b. Joshua is allergic to cats
c. the cats hate Joshua
d. all of the above

9. When Joshua was younger he used to wish he could change one thing about his body. He wanted to look like Elves and Vulcans.
What part of his body did Joshua wish to change?
a. his eyebrows, he wanted them thinner and arched
b. his jaw, he wanted to be more “chiseled”
c. his ears, he wanted them pointed
d. all of the above

10. Joshua loves music. If he could he would have a musical soundtrack for his life playing as each moment comes.
What type of music does Joshua listen to the most?
a. 80’s music
b. Classical music
c. Christian music
d. Celtic music

Joshua keeps claiming to be a “super genius,” despite the fact he has no college degree. But to back up his claim Joshua will tell you that he was tested twice to check his I.Q. level and both times he thought he failed because they wouldn’t accept him in special training.
So, since he’s not quite a “super genius” just how many points is he away from being a “normal” genius?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

At one point in time Joshua had to have all 4 wisdom teeth removed. Then a couple months later he went back again with a unique problem, after all wisdom teeth are not supposed to grow back!
How many wisdom teeth had grown back?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

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