Monday, August 29, 2011

Random Made-up Story Part 2

The following Random Made-up Story series is not finished, but something I wrote to occupy me while making deliveries at my old job. Feel free to comment and critique, just know that they aren't complete and may never be complete. But I do plan on continuing the series at some point.
Thanks and have fun!

Part Two, Joshua picks up the tale.
Three Days Later
In a special 3-person room at Kaiser Fontana, Me, Sylvia, and Sally wake up all at once.
Of course this startles the poor nurses who had just come in to check on us.
Instantly buttons are pushed, doctors are called, and all three of us start firing off questions that the nurses beg us to wait on until the doctors arrive.
It wasn’t long until the doctors and security rushed in.
The first caused relief the second caused worry.
Why was security there?
That answer soon followed.
“Apparently, during the accident a bolt of lightning struck your truck and the three of you received a massive, normally fatal, shock.” The doctor tried smiling to calm us but instead it looked strained. “It boils down to, for some reason you not only escaped death but also any injury at all.”
Sally: “Really?”
Sylvia: “What?”
Me: (after looking down at myself) “That’s so cool!”
The doctor continued, “Of course we have more tests to run, but it looks like something has happened to you. After all you don’t lose that much weight that quickly!” he chuckles but stops when he sees our confused looks. “Uhm, you can take a look for yourselves but none of you look at all like what you did when you were brought in three days ago!”
There was a brief pause before Sylvia and I were tugging at our tubes and cords in order to get out of bed and be the first to the bathroom. Sally was much more calm and smarter than us. She simply lifted the sheet and pulled up her gown.
It was at this point that things took a turn for the weird.
Getting fed up with the tubes, Sylvia yanked them all out as nurses rushed over to prevent her from doing so. She then literally launched herself through the air towards the bathroom, sailing over the heads of even the tall security officer who managed to reach up and grab her ankle.
Quick as a viper, Sylvia flipped mid-air and reached for the officer. Before she could touch him a spark of green fire spit out from her fingertips, causing the officer to let go and recoil uttering a cry of pain!
Just a few feet away Sally was fending off some nurses. “Stop it, I’m not doing anything!” Suddenly she pushed the nurses away. “Let go!”
The nurses were sliding across the floor or just thrown against the far wall!
Sylvia came down, landing on her feet next to the bathroom door staring first at her hands and then at the guard who was holding an arm that looked like it was smoking. Sally scrambled out of bed and heading over to the nurses, apologizing as she went, but she was stopped by more security responding to the commotion rushing in and tackling her.
That’s when I felt something inside of me come welling up and I knew that this had to stop.
“Enough!” I shouted and raised my arms spreading my hands towards everyone in the room.
Instantly everyone but Sylvia and Sally were picked up and slammed into a wall near to them as if by some invisible hands! Sally had to duck to avoid a flying doctor and Sylvia stepped to the side to watch a security guard zip past her towards the wall.
Standing there looking at what just happened and knowing that I had done it I couldn’t move. I was waiting for someone to say something. Sally kept looking at me and Sylvia and then at the orderlies. Finally it was Sylvia who broke the silence. “What the hell?!”
Sally: “What’s happening to us, Josh? Do you know, Sylvia?” She was definitely worried and scared.
Sylvia shrugged. “I don’t know, but I do think I’m likin’ it!” She smiled but she was just as scared as Sally was.
That’s when I realized that I could sense what they were feeling. I also knew we needed to get out of there.
“Clothes. We need our clothes. Maybe if we feel normal we can start figuring this out.” Then the feeling inside was back and I turned wide-eyed to look at Sally and Sylvia. Pointing at them I snapped my fingers and felt the power inside reach out towards them. Before my eyes I watched their hospital gowns slowly stretch and change until we were wearing shoes, socks, jeans, and our navy blue collared work shirts.
“Please.” It was one of the nurses. “Please, don’t hurt us.” She was crying.
“You were trying to hurt us. We just wanted answers.” Though Sally sounded gruff she looked she just got in trouble for something she didn’t do.
“We’re not going to hurt you, in fact,” Sylvia glanced at me, “we’re going to let you down but we really want to go home and think this through. Do you promise to not try and stop us?”
Doctor: “But there are so many questions and tests we need to run in order to find out what happened.”
“No,” Once again the power welled up, “No, we are leaving and you cleared us,” As I spoke I saw them all looking at me. Everyone except Sylvia and Sally were staring at me with a glow rising in their eyes. “We are getting a clean bill of health and the blame for the entire accident will be the debris in the freeway and you are sending a letter to our boss taking us off work for the next three weeks in order to be sure there aren’t any residue effects of the accident, right?”
The light in their eyes blinked out and they were back on the floor standing calmly.
“Well, just let us know if you have any more troubles , but as for now it’s safe for you to head home. I’m sure you’re families are worried.” The doctor smiled and the nurses said their goodbyes. The security had already headed out.
Sylvia: “Thanks, we will let you know.”
Sally: “Bye.”
As the doctor left, the three of us looked at each other.
“We need to talk.” As they nodded I made a grabbing motion with my left hand while my right made a sweeping motion, power surged forward and the room filled with an intense light.

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