Friday, September 2, 2011

I just don't get it...

I was just visited by a couple ladies who wanted to talk to me about Jehovah and his coming.
Personally, I don't mind talking about the Bible with people, but when you make a statement, that you just read from the Bible, and they say that those verses either aren't in the true Bible or mean something WAY off, and you try to correct them by showing them in the Bible and they don't want to look since the Bible they have is more true to the Word of Jehovah...well, at that point I want to shut the door in their face.
While it's true I have been "mean" on occasion to Jehovah Witnesses, that doesn't mean I don't like a good debate.
I'm slammed the door in their face when, after I have told them that my Dad was a pastor, they then asked if they could talk to me about where my Dad went wrong.
Yes, I've actually had them call me instead of coming to my door and, since I worked the graveyard shift and they had just woken me up, I asked them to call me back later. They said sure and I gave them a number to call. Of course it was the landline number for the 9-1-1 Dispatcher, but that's what they get for being lazy and calling instead of coming to the door.
I've invited them in once, when we had just sat down for dinner, and they could see that through the kitchen window, yet they still knocked on the door to interrupt our dinner. But I invited them in and asked if they wanted to join us to celebrate my Mom's birthday and then I told them that we liked to say the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of every meal. They said no thanks and walked away.
However, I will say that I have enjoyed the few times where someone has come to my door and actually stayed there having a wonderful debate with both of us opening our own Bibles and showing off scripture to each other.
I have no idea if anything came of that debate in his life, but I do know now how their views are different than mine.
Once I even had two men come to my door and want to tell me about how it actually says in the Bible that we should be worshipping God the Mother!
I asked them if they were mistaken as I have read through the Bible and have never come across that phrase and they said they were not mistaken.
I was going to ask them for proof, but all they had were those handy-dandy little pamphlets.
Dude, if you're going to make a statement like that you need to bring more than a pamphlet!
I'm saying all this to not only vent, but to also say that if you have questions or just want a good debate over something as profound and life-altering as God, life-n-death, heaven or hell, or any other topic involving theology or philosophy...just ask.
I love a good debate as long as you understand that if things get too heated, it's okay to back-off in order to cool down.
You should know how to reach me by now, so if you ever want to talk, let me know.
Looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. If you want to hear some good, thoughtful, kind, intelligent information and debate, KKLA 99.5 on Sunday nights from 10-12 has Craig Hawkins and his co-anchor (name is fleeting memory at the moment). Craig has an intelligent, firm approach that is very caring, but not compromising the truth. We've been blessed to have him lead our Sunday School class for over a year and we have our brains full of great information. The thing is with Jehovah Witnesses, their own "Bibles" and pamphlets truly contradict one another, and their "prophets" have been proven wrong time and again, and yet they still continue to believe them. You have to use their own stuff, they just won't listen to anything else.

  2. its all a bunch of bull jk miss you you know how i like to ruff your feathers hope to see you soon
