Friday, July 20, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Review

It is 4:07am and instead of going to bed like I should...I'm writing this blog about The Dark Knight Rises.
I could just say that it was a fantastic movie and leave it at that, but then that doesn't really describe the movie.
To start off, I will say that I think Batman is going to rake in a LOT of money. The AMC Tyler was showing this movie in all 16 of its screening rooms! That's a lot of people all there for the midnight showing! Oh and they were completely sold out by the time the movie started.
Those of us in line got free poster, then as we entered the IMAX theater we got another poster that was only given to the IMAX viewers.
Then the screen goes dark and the Preview image lights up and all of us fall silent. What are they going to show us? Will it be a good movie, like James Bond, or a stupid movie, like Frankenweenie?
First preview was The Bourne Legacy. Looks awesome. Definitely will see it.
Second preview was James Bond Skyfall. Yeah, I need to see that.
Then was a preview for the Disney movie OZ The Great & Powerful. This looks amazing and I'm really looking forward to it!
The crowd quiets as another preview is about to start. Suddenly cheers erupt as the DC Comics logo illuminates the screen! Yes! It's Superman: Man of Steel!!! Oh what a wonderful tease to show us! I'm already planning my midnight showing for that one!!
But wait, it was Batman we came to see. Oh yeah, okay back to the review.
It has been said that this Batman movie was better than the other two. When it comes to storyline, action, special effects, character development of Batman...sure I'll agree to that assessment. But I will say that when it comes to villains, NO ONE will top Heath Ledgers Joker. However, Bane sure gave him a run for his money!
The villain, as you have been told is Bane. Bane is a complex character in his fighting prime. He goes against Batman..who is no longer in his prime.
The entire movie takes place 8 years after the last movie. With numerous flashbacks The Dark Knight Rises makes it easy to bring the previous two movies into the story without crowding it or being cheesy.
What you expect to happen, doesn't always. What you think they wouldn't do, they do. The twists in the plot are numerous and don't always happen when you think they should. Some twists you think are coming...never do.
This movie had fight scenes that weren't too fast as to be a jumble of images and then, "Oh look, he's down. How did that happen?" But they also weren't too slow to make you think, "Man, this is cheesy."
There are a few things that you need to be aware of though, and NO I will not spoil anything for you.
In fact I'm going to help you.
Pay attention to the words being spoken and try to shut out the music or background sounds. Why? Well, it may be just the theater we were in, but there were a few times that I could not follow what someone said because of the musical score or the background sound. The sound in our room was quite loud, though that made all the explosions and rumbles vibrate right through your body.
Also, Bane was sometimes difficult to understand, even without background noise or music. Yes, he's wearing a mask, but pay attention anyways.
One thing I heard a lot of people being worried about was Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. I need to point out something here. Christopher Nolan never said she was Catwoman. He even made a point in one interview to say she was Selina Kyle. But wait, you say, I thought Selina Kyle was Catwoman. And you would be right, dear reader. However, though referred to as a Cat Burglar, and even asking a man she pinned to the wall if, "the cat got your tongue?" Not once in the entire movie (that I can remember) is she referred to as Catwoman.
Why do I point that out? Only to say that as Selina Kyle, who is a catburglar who is truly just coming into her own prime as such, Anne Hathaway did an excellent job as playing this character. A character that is still on the ropes between good & evil and live sup to the comic book description of Catwoman as an anti-hero. A hero who doesn't always follow the rules or law.
Did Christopher Nolan really end the Batman saga? Yes and no. There is no cliffhanger at the end of the movie. No special scene at the end of the credits. But there didn't need to be. Nolan ended the movie in a way that seemed to satisfy all the fans in the audience as cheering and whistling and high-fives were issued from the crowd who sat spell-bound and mostly silent throughout the entire movie!
Will I see this movie again? Absolutely!
Do I think it will beat out the Avengers for highest grossing movie? It has a strong chance.
Is it my favorite Batman movie when compared to the other two? Yes.
Should you stop reading this and go see it? Yes...but do me a small favor.
Today, July 20th, is my Mom's birthday. So if you go see this movie, no matter what day, tell the ticket taker, or concessionist, or ticket seller, that you are there to see Batman in order to celebrate a birthday. If they ask who. Tell them, "Josh's Mom." Then walk away.
I hope you enjoy the movie and I hope this review helped make your decision. It's now time for bed and I am going to sign off.
Good night and have fun at the movies!!

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