Sunday, June 24, 2012

Disneyland Rant

Keri and I have been going to Disneyland for years. It's a fun and exciting place to be, but it also offers spots of relaxation and great places to sit and people-watch.
Sadly, our Annual Passes expired this month and, due to rising costs, we are not going to be renewing them this year.
But to get the full use of our passes we have gone 3 times in the last month.
During these trips I did a lot of people-watching and have decided to write about what I saw.
People are rude.
1. Whole families will suddenly stop right in the middle of a walkway to talk and look at the map of Disneyland. Folks, it's just like driving a car. If you are going to stop and look at a map you don't do it in the middle of the freeway! Pull over and/or get off the road and then take a look!
2. People with strollers full of sleeping children head right down the middle of any walkway and leave barely any room on either side of them for people to walk or move around. Then those same parents get frustrated when people don't get out of their way. There is even that "sigh" that "accidentally" escapes them when they realize that they are the ones who have to move when someone is coming down the concourse in a wheelchair or a stroller. It's called Sharing the Road, people! Just because you are pushing something on wheels doesn't mean all must give way to you.
I've been to Disneyland many times with people who needed to be in a wheelchair. I've been the one who did all the pushing and I can tell you that I know how to thread my way through a crowd. But I also know that I do a lot of apologies when I know that I'm getting too close to people in a crowd. I try very hard to look ahead and see what obstacles are coming and I make sure to swerve ahead of time in order to not have to deal with those upcoming issues.
But why do I feel like I'm the only one?
3. Did you know that there are hundreds of trashcans and recycling cans ALL over the park? Did you know that this means there is NO reason for you to crumple up the napkin or map or whatever paper substance you have in your hand and then just let it drop on the ground? Maybe the next time I come over to your house, when I'm all done drinking that soda, I'll just toss the can behind the couch! Sound good? No? Then why are you doing it at Disneyland in front of countless people who just saw you litter?!
4. At Disneyland (and actually most fast food places) the menu is posted up high for all to see so that as you stand in line you have something to read and time to make your decision on what you want to eat. Yet, it baffles me why there are so many people who get up to the counter and slowly read the menu, craning their necks in order to see something they've had in perfect view for the last 10 minutes. And then they ask questions about what is on the burger when that is listed on the menu! Even better is, later getting my drink filled, I overhear them tell their spouse how irritatingly long they had to wait to order! Yeah, dude, like you're really all that speedy!
5. While people watching I have been accused of looking at scantily-clad women even though I'm sitting or standing next to my wife...and it's true. I do look. But truthfully not for the reasons you think. You see I'm at Disneyland, where there more children then adults. Where the sun is shining and it take a bit of walking to get from one place to another. Where the rides can mess with your hair and all of them you have to get in and sit down.
So it boggles the mind to try to understand some peoples choice of fashion! Several times I have seen women arrive at Disneyland wearing high heels! Lady, I hope you brought band-aids cause you are going to hurt by the end of the day!
Then there are those who wear their pants down around their knees and three pairs of boxers are plainly visible. It must suck to have to go to the bathroom! Not to mention you look like you already dropped a load in your pants so you lowered them so it doesn't smear all over you!
I've seen shirts that were so low-cut that everyone knows what kind of bra you have and if you get a sunburn you would have a stripe going down past your belly-button.
I also enjoy watching the "goth" horde go through the park. Wearing all black, tight pants, tight everything, lots of chains, and it's over a 100 degrees outside. Yeah, you thought this through, didn't you?
As for what people consider the "normal" fashion of wearing pants that are just above the hip line, or shirts that are barely reaching the top of your pants...granted it can look sexy, but not if you are pulling your shirt down every minute or hitching up your pants everytime you walk or sit. If you wanted clothes that didn't need to be adjusted every few seconds you should have worn bigger clothes.
Now to clarify, I love Disneyland and one day I hope to get our Annual Passes back, but sometimes it's liberating to rant about something and hope that someone out there spreads the word and maybe one day I'll go and there will actually be "walking lanes" just as there are "passing lanes" full of people in tennis shoes, sweat pants or normal shorts, and long non-see-thru shirts all sharing the road and throwing trash in a trash can.
One could hope.

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