Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mad Libs Collection: Part 4

Computer Camp - Disneyland theme
Last year I took a vacation at a computer camp. There were forty-two rides there, and we spent four hours every morning learning how to shop on the computer. Computers can give you access to information such as how many adult males in Africa are married to lands. Or which U.S. President passed the sleepy bill regulating dwarves. You can also get Dopey discs that will let you play electronic games using your computer's Disneyland, and computers can project coming events and tell you when the next Main Street Electrical Parade will be held. And what the Gross National Goofy was in 1999. A computer can also be used as a New Orleans Square processor. It will print letters or business reports or pretzels. It was very educational, but this year I am going to a Golden Horseshoe Saloon camp.

Ghost Story
Once there was a little kid who went on an icy hike through a salty forest in the middle of nowhere. At first he had fun watching the cute little elephants go huffing through the trees and talking to the hicks that dodged between the bushes. Then it began to get silly. Soon it was night, and this kid whose name was Fred Nedermyer realized he was lost, and he got very frightened. His billboards began to chatter and he wished he were home with his daddy and tv set. Suddenly he noted that the huge trees began to look like aliens, and they seemed to reach out their U.S. Presidents to grab him. Then he saw a weird shape floating in the air and glowing lustfully. It made a scary noise and said, "I am the spirit of the last of the Johnsons. I am lonely haunting this forest alone, and I came to find some wine to help me." Then it went "snort" and the kid said, "Fah," and that was the last anyone ever heard of him. Boo!

Driving In The Car
Last summer on our vacation, my father drove us to Cheyenne. Our car is an 1804 sedan with 28,142 doors and a fun motor. We started out at sunrise. My mother and father spent all night lifting the house and gambling the car so we could get an early start. My father took his golf states and my mother took her tennis castle. I took my dog, Amelia Earhart. The dog and I and my little pale sister sat in the back. My father was the driver, and as he came out of the driveway he ran into a park and dented a redwood tree. My mother said, "Why don't you pay attention and watch where you are launching?" After 122,102 hours, we stopped to stand at an Omaha. The Omaha was horrible, and this got my father eating again. Aftr driving clumsily in this manner for two days, we finally arrived here and have been having a really sexy time.

The Bakery
Clerk: Good day, Miss. What can I do for you?
Customer: I want to buy some lazy bread.
Clerk: Do you want a loaf of whole-grain Ed or would you like some buttermilk atoms?
Customer: Just a regular loaf with sesame bridges on it.
Cler: All right now, how about some nice sour cake?
Customer: Well, I have 279,995 children, and they all like to eat sweet fishes. How much are your cookies?
Clerk: We have tangy chip cookies at 75 dollars a pound. And we have this box of assorted little creeks for only two dollars.
Customer: I'll take one. They look like they don't have more than 2 calories.
Clerk: All right. That will be one box of lemmings, our special puce berry pie, and a big family-sized loaf of buffalo.

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